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Idioms and Phrases for UPSC CSAT || English Grammar (Idioms and Phrases) for CSAT

General English Idioms and Phrases for CSAT- UPSC, UPPSC, UPPCS, SSC

दोस्तों UPSC/ UPPSC / UPPCS/ PCS Prelims Test Series के लिए बनाये गए CSAT English Practice Quiz Series में आपका बहुत-बहुत स्वागत है, दोस्तों उपरोक्त एक्साम्स में General English सिलेबस के अंतर्गत निम्न टॉपिक्स शामिल रहते है:-


2.Active Voice and Passive Voice

3.Parts of Speech

4.Transformation of Sentences

5.Direct and Indirect Speech

6.Punctuation and Spellings

7.Words meanings

8.Vocabulary & Usage

9.Idioms and Phrases

10.Fill in the Blanks

दोस्तों उपरोक्त टॉपिक्स में से अधिकतर टॉपिक्स को हम आलरेडी कवर कर चुके है, हम CSAT टेस्ट सीरीज के तहत लगातार Quiz/mock test अपलोड कर रहे है, आज फिर हम लेकर आये है MCQ & MCQ Quiz for Idioms and Phrases, कृपया Practice MCQ Quiz को attempt करे एवं अपनी तैयारियों को और बेहतर बनाये

English Grammar for CSAT ; Idioms and Phrases

What does the idiom “To burn the midnight oil” mean?
A) To waste time
B) To work late into the night
C) To relax and unwind
D) To prioritize leisure over work

Answer: B) To work late into the night

Definition: To work late into the night, especially studying or working on a project.

What does the phrase “To be on cloud nine” mean?
A) To be confused
B) To be extremely happy
C) To be physically exhausted
D) To be anxious

Answer: B) To be extremely happy

Definition: To be in a state of extreme happiness or euphoria.

What does the idiom “To spill the beans” mean?
A) To waste food
B) To reveal a secret
C) To cook a delicious meal
D) To confuse someone

Answer: B) To reveal a secret

Definition: To disclose confidential or secret information unintentionally or intentionally.

What does the phrase “To have cold feet” mean?
A) To be physically cold
B) To have a medical condition
C) To feel nervous or hesitant
D) To have excellent coordination

Answer: C) To feel nervous or hesitant

Definition: To feel nervous or apprehensive about something, often used to describe second thoughts before taking an action.

What does the idiom “To break the camel’s back” mean?
A) To accomplish a difficult task
B) To cause someone physical harm
C) To finally reach a breaking point
D) To carry a heavy load

Answer: C) To finally reach a breaking point

Definition: To reach a point where one can no longer endure pressure or hardship, often leading to a dramatic change or collapse.

What does the phrase “To go the extra mile” mean?
A) To travel a long distance
B) To put in additional effort or work beyond what is required
C) To take a shortcut
D) To waste resources

Answer: B) To put in additional effort or work beyond what is required

Definition: To make a special effort to achieve something beyond what is expected or required.

What does the idiom “To keep one’s chin up” mean?
A) To keep one’s face clean
B) To remain cheerful and optimistic in difficult circumstances
C) To avoid looking at someone directly
D) To be physically fit

Answer: B) To remain cheerful and optimistic in difficult circumstances

Definition: To maintain a positive attitude and not be discouraged by setbacks or difficulties.

What does the phrase “To let the cat out of the bag” mean?
A) To release a domesticated animal
B) To reveal a secret or disclose confidential information
C) To buy a pet
D) To keep a secret

Answer: B) To reveal a secret or disclose confidential information

Definition: To disclose a secret that was meant to be kept hidden.

What does the idiom “To see eye to eye” mean?
A) To have perfect vision
B) To agree on something
C) To avoid confrontation
D) To have a similar appearance

Answer: B) To agree on something

Definition: To have the same opinion or perspective as someone else.

What does the phrase “To face the music” mean?
A) To listen to music
B) To confront the consequences of one’s actions
C) To run away from a problem
D) To attend a concert

Answer: B) To confront the consequences of one’s actions

Definition: To accept and deal with the unpleasant consequences of one’s actions or decisions.

What does the idiom “To add insult to injury” mean?
A) To apologize sincerely
B) To worsen a bad situation
C) To offer assistance
D) To ignore someone’s feelings

Answer: B) To worsen a bad situation

Definition: To make a bad situation even worse by saying or doing something further to offend or upset someone.

What does the phrase “To have ants in one’s pants” mean?
A) To be lazy
B) To be impatient or restless
C) To be overly cautious
D) To be afraid of insects

Answer: B) To be impatient or restless

Definition: To be unable to sit still or remain calm due to impatience or nervousness.

What does the idiom “To pull someone’s leg” mean?
A) To physically harm someone
B) To assist someone in standing up
C) To tease or joke with someone in a playful manner
D) To compete with someone in a race

Answer: C) To tease or joke with someone in a playful manner

Definition: To tease or deceive someone in a light-hearted or joking manner.

What does the phrase “To beat a dead horse” mean?
A) To attempt the impossible
B) To waste time and effort on a hopeless cause
C) To win a competition easily
D) To be physically aggressive

Answer: B) To waste time and effort on a hopeless cause

Definition: To continue to discuss or pursue a topic or issue that has already been resolved or is no longer relevant.

What does the idiom “To kill two birds with one stone” mean?
A) To complete two tasks at once
B) To engage in a cruel act
C) To fail at achieving one’s goals
D) To avoid confrontation

Answer: A) To complete two tasks at once

Definition: To accomplish two objectives with a single action or effort.

What does the phrase “To turn over a new leaf” mean?
A) To destroy something valuable
B) To start fresh or make a fresh start
C) To hide from one’s responsibilities
D) To resist change

Answer: B) To start fresh or make a fresh start

Definition: To make a positive change in one’s behavior or attitude; to begin anew.

What does the idiom “To blow off steam” mean?
A) To take a break from work
B) To release pent-up energy or frustration
C) To relax and unwind
D) To extinguish a fire

Answer: B) To release pent-up energy or frustration

Definition: To vent one’s anger, frustration, or stress by expressing it in a vigorous or aggressive manner.

What does the phrase “To fish in troubled waters” mean?
A) To enjoy dangerous activities
B) To take advantage of a difficult situation for one’s own benefit
C) To engage in a hobby
D) To avoid conflict

Answer: B) To take advantage of a difficult situation for one’s own benefit

Definition: To take advantage of a situation where there is confusion or trouble to achieve personal gain.

What does the idiom “To have a chip on one’s shoulder” mean?
A) To be physically fit
B) To be overly aggressive or confrontational
C) To have a grudge or resentment
D) To possess valuable information

Answer: C) To have a grudge or resentment

Definition: To harbor a persistent feeling of resentment or grievance, often as a result of past experiences or perceived injustices.

What does the phrase “To pass the buck” mean?
A) To take responsibility for something
B) To share credit with others
C) To procrastinate
D) To blame someone else for one’s own problems or mistakes

Answer: D) To blame someone else for one’s own problems or mistakes

Definition: To shift responsibility or blame to another person or group, especially to avoid facing consequences or accountability.

What does the idiom “To have one’s cake and eat it too” mean?
A) To share one’s dessert with others
B) To have unrealistic expectations
C) To enjoy the benefits of something without sacrificing anything
D) To give up on one’s desires

Answer: C) To enjoy the benefits of something without sacrificing anything

Definition: To want to have or do two incompatible things at once.

What does the phrase “To hit the ground running” mean?
A) To fall while running
B) To start something quickly and energetically
C) To procrastinate
D) To lose momentum

Answer: B) To start something quickly and energetically

Definition: To begin a new activity or venture with maximum effort and enthusiasm.

What does the idiom “To turn a blind eye” mean?
A) To see clearly
B) To pretend not to notice something wrong
C) To have a keen sense of observation
D) To judge fairly

Answer: B) To pretend not to notice something wrong

Definition: To ignore or deliberately overlook something, typically a problem or wrongdoing.

What does the phrase “To bury the hatchet” mean?
A) To engage in a violent conflict
B) To forgive and forget past grievances or conflicts
C) To dig a hole
D) To avoid confrontation

Answer: B) To forgive and forget past grievances or conflicts

Definition: To make peace or reconcile with someone, usually by agreeing to end a dispute or disagreement.

What does the idiom “To burn bridges” mean?
A) To repair damaged relationships
B) To cut off all communication and destroy relationships
C) To build new connections
D) To travel long distances

Answer: B) To cut off all communication and destroy relationships

Definition: To create a situation in which it is impossible to return to a previous state or relationship, typically by alienating or offending others.

What does the phrase “To take the bull by the horns” mean?
A) To approach a problem directly and with determination
B) To avoid a difficult situation
C) To engage in risky behavior
D) To tame a wild animal

Answer: A) To approach a problem directly and with determination

Definition: To confront a difficult situation directly and assertively, without hesitation or fear.

What does the idiom “To throw in the towel” mean?
A) To give up or surrender
B) To engage in a physical fight
C) To challenge oneself
D) To avoid confrontation

Answer: A) To give up or surrender

Definition: To quit or concede defeat, especially when faced with a difficult or hopeless situation.

What does the phrase “To have the last laugh” mean?
A) To laugh louder than others
B) To be the first to laugh
C) To emerge victorious or successful in the end, despite earlier setbacks
D) To laugh at someone else’s misfortune

Answer: C) To emerge victorious or successful in the end, despite earlier setbacks

Definition: To ultimately succeed or prevail, especially after facing challenges or opposition.

What does the idiom “To cry over spilled milk” mean?
A) To grieve excessively
B) To regret something that cannot be undone
C) To express joy
D) To clean up a mess

Answer: B) To regret something that cannot be undone

Definition: To worry or complain about something that has already happened and cannot be changed or undone.

What does the phrase “To get off one’s high horse” mean?
A) To ride a horse
B) To criticize someone unfairly
C) To stop acting arrogantly or condescendingly
D) To engage in equestrian sports

Answer: C) To stop acting arrogantly or condescendingly

Definition: To stop behaving in a superior or haughty manner; to become more humble or approachable.

What does the idiom “To throw caution to the wind” mean?
A) To be cautious and prudent
B) To take risks without considering the consequences
C) To seek shelter from the wind
D) To be overwhelmed by fear

Answer: B) To take risks without considering the consequences

Definition: To disregard potential risks or consequences and act impulsively or recklessly.

What does the phrase “To read between the lines” mean?
A) To take something literally
B) To interpret or understand the hidden meaning or implication of something
C) To ignore important details
D) To rush through a text

Answer: B) To interpret or understand the hidden meaning or implication of something

Definition: To infer or understand the implied meaning or significance of something, especially when it is not explicitly stated.

What does the idiom “To see the light at the end of the tunnel” mean?
A) To be trapped in darkness
B) To lose hope
C) To find a solution to a difficult problem
D) To perceive hope or relief after a period of difficulty or adversity

Answer: D) To perceive hope or relief after a period of difficulty or adversity

Definition: To perceive a positive outcome or resolution after a period of hardship or uncertainty.

What does the phrase “To throw in the sponge” mean?
A) To give up or surrender
B) To engage in a physical fight
C) To clean a dirty surface
D) To ask for help

Answer: A) To give up or surrender

Definition: To concede defeat or admit defeat; to give up or abandon a task or endeavor.

What does the idiom “To have the upper hand” mean?
A) To possess physical strength
B) To be in a position of advantage or control
C) To be inferior to someone else
D) To engage in a competition

Answer: B) To be in a position of advantage or control

Definition: To have the advantage or be in a position of control in a situation or relationship.

What does the phrase “To spill one’s guts” mean?
A) To accidentally drop one’s food
B) To reveal one’s deepest thoughts or secrets
C) To lose one’s temper
D) To ignore someone

Answer: B) To reveal one’s deepest thoughts or secrets

Definition: To disclose private or sensitive information, often in a candid or unreserved manner.

What does the idiom “To bark up the wrong tree” mean?
A) To plant a tree
B) To make a mistake in judgment or choice
C) To be afraid of dogs
D) To climb a tree

Answer: B) To make a mistake in judgment or choice

Definition: To pursue the wrong course of action or to seek solutions or answers in the wrong place.

What does the phrase “To break new ground” mean?
A) To destroy something
B) To make new discoveries or achieve something innovative
C) To refuse to cooperate
D) To maintain the status quo

Answer: B) To make new discoveries or achieve something innovative

Definition: To pioneer or initiate something new or innovative; to achieve progress or advancement in a particular field or endeavor.

What does the idiom “To see red” mean?
A) To become angry or enraged
B) To have excellent vision
C) To experience a sense of clarity
D) To become dizzy

Answer: A) To become angry or enraged

Definition: To become extremely angry or furious.

What does the phrase “To butter someone up” mean?
A) To literally apply butter to someone
B) To flatter or praise someone excessively in order to gain favor
C) To criticize someone harshly
D) To avoid social interactions

Answer: B) To flatter or praise someone excessively in order to gain favor

Definition: To use flattery or praise to gain someone’s favor or approval, often with a hidden agenda.

What does the idiom “To paint the town red” mean?
A) To engage in vandalism
B) To go out and have a wild and enjoyable time
C) To express one’s artistic talents in public
D) To participate in a community art project

Answer: B) To go out and have a wild and enjoyable time

Definition: To celebrate or enjoy oneself extravagantly and often irresponsibly, typically by engaging in lively or uninhibited activities.

What does the phrase “To have a skeleton in the closet” mean?
A) To have a collection of bones
B) To be involved in illegal activities
C) To have a secret or shameful past that one tries to conceal
D) To be fearless

Answer: C) To have a secret or shameful past that one tries to conceal

Definition: To have a hidden or embarrassing secret that one does not want others to know about.

What does the idiom “To turn the tables” mean?
A) To flip furniture upside down
B) To change the subject of conversation
C) To reverse a situation, typically from a position of disadvantage to one of advantage
D) To engage in a card game

Answer: C) To reverse a situation, typically from a position of disadvantage to one of advantage

Definition: To change the course of events in one’s favor, especially after being at a disadvantage.

What does the phrase “To steal someone’s thunder” mean?
A) To literally steal someone’s belongings during a thunderstorm
B) To interrupt someone during a conversation
C) To take credit for someone else’s achievements or ideas
D) To seek shelter during a thunderstorm

Answer: C) To take credit for someone else’s achievements or ideas

Definition: To take away the attention or recognition that rightfully belongs to someone else by pre-empting or overshadowing their achievement or idea.

What does the idiom “To let sleeping dogs lie” mean?
A) To wake up dogs that are sleeping
B) To avoid stirring up old or dormant conflicts or problems
C) To invite trouble or danger
D) To train dogs

Answer: B) To avoid stirring up old or dormant conflicts or problems

Definition: To refrain from interfering in a situation or from reopening old wounds or grievances, especially when doing so could lead to trouble or conflict.

What does the phrase “To have ants in one’s pants” mean?
A) To be impatient or restless
B) To have a literal infestation of ants
C) To be indifferent
D) To have a medical condition

Answer: A) To be impatient or restless

Definition: To be unable to sit still or remain calm due to impatience or nervousness.

What does the idiom “To call it a day” mean?
A) To decide on a plan of action
B) To end or stop what one is doing for the day
C) To celebrate an achievement
D) To begin a new project

Answer: B) To end or stop what one is doing for the day

Definition: To cease working or pursuing an activity for the remainder of the day.

What does the phrase “To be in hot water” mean?
A) To be physically immersed in hot water
B) To be in trouble or facing a difficult situation
C) To be physically uncomfortable
D) To be in a state of confusion

Answer: B) To be in trouble or facing a difficult situation

Definition: To be in a situation where one is facing criticism, trouble, or punishment.

What does the idiom “To play devil’s advocate” mean?
A) To engage in evil deeds
B) To defend the devil’s actions
C) To argue against someone’s point of view for the sake of debate or to test its validity
D) To make deals with the devil

Answer: C) To argue against someone’s point of view for the sake of debate or to test its validity

Definition: To argue against or challenge someone’s viewpoint or argument, typically for the purpose of stimulating discussion or testing the strength of the argument.

What does the phrase “To have a heart of gold” mean?
A) To have a literal heart made of gold
B) To be very wealthy
C) To be kind, generous, and compassionate
D) To have a strong emotional attachment

Answer: C) To be kind, generous, and compassionate

Definition: To be exceptionally kind, generous, and caring towards others.

English Grammar for CSAT ; Idioms and Phrases mcq quiz

Created by Sachin Vats

CSAT ENGLISH Idioms and Phrases MCQ QUIZ

1 / 10

What does the phrase "Cut to the chase" mean?

2 / 10

What does the idiom "Beat around the bush" mean?

3 / 10

What does the phrase "Hit the sack" mean?

4 / 10

What does the idiom "Under the weather" mean?

5 / 10

What does the phrase "Cost an arm and a leg" mean?

6 / 10

What does the idiom "A piece of cake" mean?

7 / 10

What does the phrase "Break the ice" mean?

8 / 10

What does the idiom "Jump on the bandwagon" mean?

9 / 10

What does the phrase "Bite the bullet" mean?

10 / 10

What does the idiom "To hit the nail on the head" mean?

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